Monday, February 13, 2012

How to combat the Inflammation So far from chronic pain

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Inflammation is a response, immune response to the infection, irritation or injury. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand is a disease. Chronic inflammation can cause many diseases, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers. However, there are several ways to combat the onset of inflammation.

About how to fight chronic inflammation?

Here are 6 ways to fight chronic inflammation as quoted from HealthMonitor, Monday (13/2/2012) include:

1. lose weight

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), if overweight or obese, with the loss of 5-10 percent of body weight can decrease inflammation throughout the body.

2. Fight with food

The good news is that there are many foods that are actually against inflammatory processes, including:
a. Green tea
b. beans
c. marine fish, including fish, mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, and salmon
Ginger d.
e. Turmeric
f. Nigella, spices used in India, food has been shown to have anti inflammatory properties and can fight cancer

3. lower blood sugar

Foods that can increase inflammation should also be avoided. Foods that increase inflammation can among other things, the starch is especially made with white flour, potatoes, rice, and sugar. These foods can increase the levels of blood glucose and C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation.

4. Insufficient sleep needs

People who sleep less than 7 or 8 hours per night are prone to chronic inflammation. If you're having trouble getting enough time to sleep, so experts recommend:
a. Establish a consistent bedtime
b. Avoid caffeine for 8 hours before going to bed
c. don't bring work to the bedroom
d. consult the physician if you still have problems sleeping

5. Multiply physical activity

Sports can be one of the best weapons against chronic inflammation. The level of inflammation can be reduced by just walking 10 minutes per day. The benefits of physical activity include increased cardiovascular health and decrease obesity. Physical activity can also be referred to as anti-inflammatory.

6. Fight with drug

Aspirin can relieve chronic inflammation. These medications can also reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. But if taking any drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Because aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.

If aspirin is not right for you, ask the doctor what supplement should consider anti inflammation that can include:
a. Ginseng
b. Quercetin
c. Ginkgo biloba

Consult with a doctor before taking any medications available in the market, including aspirin, due to possible interactions can occur with prescription drugs. Also, discuss the option of using a prescription anti inflammation if you have a chronic condition.