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Nursing is a unique profession, a profession which handles human response in the face of health problems, and essentially related to basic human needs, this puts the art and science are equally important.Theoretical and applied nursing skills in humans is sometimes less predictable bias (the results). This happened not because nursing science is not precise but the scope of the claim, nursing is a human response and there was no stipulation that human behavior will be as exposed to the same stimulus. Human side of nursing is what is called art or tips.Nursing art with regard to technical skills or specific procedures as part of an effort to help clients cope with nursing health problems and meet their basic needs.Nurses should be able to assess when the data becomes an indication of a problem, and what kind of treatment to resolve the issue. Therefore problem solving techniques, known as the nursing process must be controlled because it is an integral part of nursing practice.Nursing is essentially a human science and human care, and caring about the effort to treat clients as whole human beings humanely and different from other humans (Watson, 1985)The concepts above, human science and human care and or art and scienceWill only be known and perceived consumer of nursing through nursing practice embodiment, and therefore required the study of the scope of the scope of nursing practice. In this article the scope of the proposed study of medical-surgical nursing practice, the substance of nursing practice, scope of intervention and professional consequences.
Nursing as defined by the American Nurses Association (1980), is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems, this formulation emphasizes that the nursing activities required to examine the condition of the client / patient, concludes client response to his problems, and determine appropriate nursing treatment to overcome them.
ICN (1987) defines nursing as:
NURSING encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, family, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotions of health, prevention of illness and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of save environment, research, participation in Shaping Health Policy and in patient and health system management, and education are also key roles Nursing.
Meaning that the above formulation leads to the client's nursing interventions performed autonomously or collaboratively with the scope of its intervention efforts are promotive, preventive, restorative and rehabilitative as well as assisting clients in the face of death; through client advisory activities, seek a safe environment for clients, research and is involved in determining health policy concerning the interests of patients and the health system and education.
Meanwhile, Orem (2001) describes nursing nursing as:
Nursing has its special concern mans need for self-care action and the provision and maintenance of it on a continuous basis in order to sustain life and health, recover from disease and injury and cope with Their effects. The condition That validates the existence of a requirement for nursing in an adult is the absence of the ability to maintain ....... self-care.
From the description above, Orem emphasizes the importance of interventions to prioritize the needs of a person will self-care and continuous efforts to maintain life and health, recover from illness and trauma and overcome its effects. In adults nursing assistance is needed when a person is unable to meet its needs selfcare so concerned to maintain good health, overcome diseases and the impact of trauma.
Of the three descriptions of nursing above, it can be argued that the essential elements of nursing are:• human responses to health problems both actual and potential is the focus of nursing research paper• Basic needs of man, irregularities and compliance efforts are arable scope of nursing• The inability to meet the client's basic needs (self-care deficit) is the basis of nursing interventions, whether it occurs due to increasing demands for independence or a reduced ability to meet its own needs• Increased demands or reduced ability to meet their basic needs are influenced by fluctuations in the condition (along the span of healthy-sick) the assignment of certain perkembangann (throughout the life cycle)
Critical elements in nursing is consistent with the nursing paradigm that puts people as core / central focus, so anyone and in any case the client's condition must still be treated humanely.
The practice of nursing is a profession embodiment, in this case is the professional relationship between nurse-client basis based on client needs, nursing interventions to help meet the basic needs of the client's legal reasoning based on an ethical approach coupled with a humane (humane). The intervention was conducted in cooperation with the client, with or without the collaboration of other health professions denagn accordance with the scope of authority and responsibility.
Intervention (treatment) of nursing can be realized through the promotion efforts of helping someone either healthy or disabled to increase the level of Wellness; preventive in this regard is to prevent disease or disability, restorative & rehabilitative care for the condition is painful and recovery efforts, as well as Consolation of the dying that is caring for a client who faced death so it can go through phases in a dignified and peaceful death.
Thus, the practice of nursing is a humanistic set of processes for making a diagnosis of client response in the face of health problems and their impact on whether or not fulfilled their basic needs, determine appropriate nursing treatment through the help of good nursing is total, partial or supportive-educative, using the nursing process approach and guided by the standards of care within the scope of authority and responsibility.
SCOPE OF PRACTICE of Medical-Surgical
The scope of nursing practice is a form of medical-surgical nursing care to clients who experience physiological disturbances ADULT both the obvious or predictable, either impaired due to illness, injury or disability. Nursing care includes treatment of individuals to gain comfort, assist individuals in improving and maintaining healthy conditions, conduct prevention, detection and treat the condition associated with the disease, seek recovery until kliendapat reaches its highest productive capacity, as well as helping clients facing death with dignity.Medical-surgical nursing practice using the steps of scientific assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation; taking into account linkages components of bio-psycho-social client in response to physiological disorders as a result of disease, trauma or disability.
Clients are treated in medical-surgical nursing practice is an adult, with a "one-to-one basis". Category of "adult" implies penegmbangan lived according to its stages. The duties of this development may impact on the changing role and psychosocial response for clients experiencing health problems, and this needs to be considered in conducting the study nurses and nursing interventions. Nursing approach should take into account "the level of maturity" in the hands of clients, thus pe; ibatan and empowerment of clients in the process of care is an important thing, according to the condition; is concerned with "Self-caring capacities".
To discuss the scope of the claim, medical-surgical nursing, we need to refer to "focus research paper - the scope of the claim and the basis of nursing interventions as has been discussed earlier in this paper.The focus of nursing research paper is a human response in mengahdapi health problems both actual and potential. Within the scope of medical-surgical nursing, health problems include actual or potential physiological disorders as a result of illness, injury or disability the following response from the client's unique aspects of bio-psycho-socio-spiritual. Given the response of the client base of research paper sourced from a physiological disorder, or the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of interference and (potential) clinical manifestations of the disorder is the underlying claim and the scope of nursing interventions.Disease, trauma or disability as a health issue facing the client can originate or occur in all body systems including system-persyrafan system, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, musculoskeletal, integuments, immunity, hearing, vision and issues that can generally accompanies the entire system disorder that is issue-related issue that malignancy and terminal condition.
SCOPE arable
Scope of arable keperawata is a basic human need, diversion and intervention. Departing from the research paper focuses on medical-surgical nursing, medical-surgical nursing scope of the claim is the fulfillment of basic needs of all obstacles that occur due to physiological changes in one or various body systems; as well as the modalities and the various efforts to overcome them.In order to determine the various obstacles mansuai fulfillment of basic needs and the appropriate modalities needed time to deal with logical and critical thinking skills in assessing precisely what basic needs are not met, the level and what the possible cause (nursing diagnoses). This will determine the treatment (treatment) nursing, and the appropriate modalities. Disibi required technical skills and ethical legal studies.
Of focus and scope of the research paper claim medical-surgical nursing that have been described previously, the basis of medical-surgical nursing intervention is the inability of clients (adults) to meet their basic needs themselves (Self-care deficit). Ketidakamampuan This can occur because of an imbalance between the demands of (Self - care demand) and capacity to meet clients (Self-care abilities) as a result of physiological changes in one or various body systems. This condition is unique to each individual's needs due to self-care (self care requirements) may vary, and therefore requires the integration of logical thinking skills, critical, technical and legal-ethical study to determine the form of nursing intervention where appropriate, whether the aid total, partial or supportive-educative needs of clients.
Temporary closing of this writing there are a variety of logical consequence that remains to be thought of as a reference for practitioners in the area kpeerawatan medical-surgical nursing. Seeing the complexity of the focus research paper, the scope of the claim and the base area of medical-surgical nursing interventions and professional consequences need to be formulated: Performance Standards to benchmark the quality of care Category qualification as a nurse practitioner to determine the feasibility Certification and licensing expertise is constantly updated to guarantee security for users of nursing services.
1. Luckmann & Sorensen, 1993, Medical and Surgical Nursing; A. Psychophysiologic Approach, 4 th ed, Philadelphia: WB Saunders, CO.2. Orem, 2001, Nursing: Concept at Practice, 6th ed, St. Louis: Mosby Inc.3. American Nurses Association: A Statement of the Scope at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice.4. Dochtsmar and Grace, 2001, Current Issues in Nursing, St.. Louis: Mosby Inc.5. http://amsn.nurse.com/resource/curricul.htm, aMSN official position statement on; Identification of the Registered Nurse in the Work Place.6. http://www.nursing power.net / nursing / sps.html: ANA-Nursing's Social Policy Statement.7. http://www.nursing world.org / ojin / topic 156.htm 15/tpc Skateboards at Nursing and Scope of practice of Registered nurses Performing Complimentary Therapies.
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