Monday, February 13, 2012

5 Heart Tests are necessary if there are No Symptoms

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Does everyone need a heart test? If you don't have symptoms and living a healthy lifestyle, it might not need a heart test. There are at least 5 heart tests may not be necessary if there are no symptoms.

The doctor may recommend a test screening to ensure the health of the heart in top shape. But if a person has no symptoms, it may not need a variety of heart tests considering costs and benefits. Symptoms of heart disease include chest pain or shortness of breath.

The fact is, there is no evidence to support that one common test is can be beneficial if someone heart symptom-free.

"If test as stress test on someone who has no symptoms, then it is more likely to get a false positive test rather than a true positive," said Dr. Malissa Wood, spokesman for the American Heart Association.

False positive test results may trigger more tests unnecessary, so often brings significant risks. We recommend that you test conducted was indeed based on the symptoms that have been experienced by patients.

The following 5 heart tests may not be necessary if there are no symptoms as quoted from HealthNews, Monday (13/2/2012) include:

1. ECG

An electrocardiogram, or EKG is a readout of heart electrical activity recorded by the electrode is placed on the chest. ECG can be to know the disorder that may, or may not be able to detect abnormalities of the heart.

ECG used to study irregular heart rhythms, heart attacks and other problems. ECG also used before some kind of operation, but no studies have examined whether ECG helps prevent disease in people without symptoms.

ECG usually does not cost a fortune. ECG test procedure is also not invasive, so the test is safe. After examination with ECG of a patient may end up with another test which takes more risks, such as a CT scan or angiogram coronary, where the catheter is inserted into the heart.

2. Carotid ultrasound

Carotid ultrasound allows the doctor to see if the blood vessels in the neck supplying blood to the brain, called karotis, are clogged by cholesterol deposition, or plaque. Because the heap of cholesterol is considered a risk factor of stroke.

This test is used to check the blood flow to the brain. There is no evidence that screening plaque karotis, which are becoming increasingly popular, it can save lives. Scan routine can produce false positive results than a positive right, "and may lead to invasive imaging or karotis surgery or stenting.

Between 1-3 percent of patients who received surgery carotid die due to the procedure.

3. the Echocardiogram

Echocardiogram is an ULTRASOUND of the moving images of the heart. The examination procedure allows the doctor to test how well the heart pumps blood out and does the heart have structural problems. This test can help doctors diagnose conditions such as heart failure and atrial fibrillation, but not yet proven to be able to help people without symptoms.

Hasil studi baru menemukan bahwa, skrining untuk penyakit jantung dengan echocardiogram dan tes lain tidak mengubah obat yang diresepkan dokter, pola makanan, kebiasaan olahraga, serta kebiasaan merokok. Scan USG umumnya aman, tetapi dapat memicu alarm palsu dan dapat menyebabkan pertimbangan dilakukannya tes yang lebih invasif dan perawatan kemudian.

4. Tes stres

tes stres digunakan untuk melihat tanda-tanda masalah memompa darah dari jantung. Dokter akan memberikan beban pada jantung pasien dengan menginstruksikan pasien berada di treadmill atau stasioner saat melakukan ekokardiogram atau EKG. Dalam tes stres nuklir, pewarna radioaktif disuntikkan ke dalam aliran darah untuk menciptakan gambaran yang lebih baik.

Tes stres dapat membantu mendiagnosa masalah jantung tetapi belum terbukti menjadi alat skrining yang dapat membantu. Tes stes dapat membawa risiko biasa dari latihan bagi sebagian besar untuk orang dengan masalah jantung, termasuk bagi orang dengan kasus serangan jantung yang sangat jarang.

Beberapa tes stres dapat memproduksi hasil yang salah, yang berarti prosedur lebih lanjut yang akan dilakukan dengan kemungkinan komplikasi sebenarnya tidak perlu.
5. Cardiac CT Scan

Computed tomography (CT) scans using high-dose x-rays to get a detailed picture of the heart. In coronary calcium scan, doctors look for calcium deposits in arteries the heart, which has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Patients may also have a color that is injected to launch a blockage.

CT scan can help women with moderate risk for heart disease. So women with moderate risk for heart diseases would benefit from aggressive treatment. But for people without symptoms, a CT scan is still not proved more useful than medical advice based on risk factors such as diabetes and obesity.

On the procedures of radiation from CT scans, when the dye is used, about 1 out of 10 people develop kidney damage and some may also get a thyroid problem. Report wrong can lead to invasive tests, which carries more risk.

Healthy lifestyle remains the best way of preventing disease

Experts say the best way to prevent heart disease has little to do with technology and everything to do with a healthy lifestyle. American Heart Association also recommended that blood pressure and cholesterol levels should always be in the range of normal.

"The test was not able to prevent heart disease. To prevent heart disease, women and men should eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, get regular physical activity, and no smoking, "said Dr. Rita Redberg, a cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco.