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Dengue fever dengue (DBD) is caused by a virus that brought mosquitoes. When infected then the body will produce antibodies to fight it. But can people who've been exposed to DBD again?
"When it's all taxable and he has not been immune to DBD, because there are 4 types of viruses namely DBD DEN-1, 2, 3 and 4. So we could hit DBD 4 times, "said Dr. Leonard Nainggolan, SpPD-Pocari Sweat KPTI conference in 2012 ' Education Society of the importance of fluids and Ions to keep your Everyday Health ' at the Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta, Thursday (12/2/2012).
Dr. Leonard speak though have been hit 4 times the DBD with a virus that vary, but no one can give an absolute assurance that it is not safe to be exposed to DBD again. This is because the virus between DEN-1, DEN-Indonesia for example with 1 different, so Cuba formed antibodies are also different.
"Now the transport had been very great, so can make sure enggak sterile or free of DBD first if he went abroad. But the possibility of laginya hit is much smaller, because the antibodies to the virus four it already existed, "said Dr. Leonard who is expert handling of dengue fever and infectious diseases of tropical is SUPPORTED.
When someone is suspected of dengue dengue?
According to the WHO and the Kemenkes, a person suspected of DBD if he is experiencing:
Sudden fever symptoms plus 2 below
Pain behind the eyes
Muscle pain
Bone pain
A rash (red spots) on the skin
Signs of bleeding
Leukocytes, or white blood cells are low
A serological test test positive dengue
There is a known positive neighbour DBD
"This sudden Fever for example the morning she still looks fine, all of a sudden the next day having a fever. Especially if a fever accompanied by symptoms that show up a lot, "said doctor birth pemantang siantar, 15 February 1969.
In the meantime the bleeding could occur only appears under the skin (red spots) to vomit blood or nosebleed, depending on how much fluid out of blood vessels due to leakage.
"For the diagnosis of DBD can be done by performing test IgG/IgM antibodies and a test for NS1. When asked which was the most accurate, the answer is both, but it's time to be seen. If a new fever 2 days then tests the NS1, but if the fifth day fever then test IgG/IgM, "she said.
This is because the IgG/IgM test for function detecting the antibodies that are formed in the body. This newly formed antibodies after a third day of fever and the new tool can detect on the fifth day when the number of antibodies has reached a certain number.
While the tests are used to detect the NS1 virus is present in the body or not, this test has been done since the first day of a fever. Therefore should be seen first time, how the day fever that affect them.
This phase of the dengue fever is no incubation period about 5-9 days starting from infection until the symptoms arise, then the acute phase, which is already appearing symptoms for about 1-3 days and on day 4-6 is a critical phase. It was then that happen leakage of capillaries.
If the patient is experiencing emergency such as DBD shock, seizures, decreased consciousness and bleeding then it should be treated in the hospital. But if you're still able to eat and drink well and there is no kegawatdaruratan then outpatient while still drinking lots, drugs to cope with symptoms and laboratory examinations to monitor haemoglobin, hematokrit, leukocytes, and platelets.
"As yet no vaccine or drug to kill the virus, then the pengandalian environment and behavior of matter, one with prevent puddles especially during the rainy season, a single drop of puddle because it could become a breeding places of mosquitoes," said Dr. Leonard who also became a consultant team of experts of dengue Health Ministry RI.