Sunday, February 19, 2012

HIV More Quickly If His Stomach Protruding Senile

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People who are infected with Human Imunnodeficiency Virus (HIV) and untreated well will usually have a skinny body and penyakitan. If membuncit, then the stomach instead of their brains function tend to decline faster and senile.

The relationship between the risk of senile with size and weight waist circumference was revealed in a study in the latest issue of the journal Neurology. Makin big waistlines and weight an HIV, then the risk is greater untuki fast senile.

"These findings are important because some types of HIV drugs can trigger obesity in certain parts such as the abdomen, neck, chest and shoulders," says j. Allen McCutchan, m.d., MSc, who led the research as cited from Medindia, Friday (17/2/2012).

McCutchan uncover it after making observation of 130 positive HIV Clinic 6 different and has been undergoing treatment Antiretroviral drugs (ARVS) for at least 13 years old. Because everything gets the treatment routine, no participant that her body very thin and penyakitan.

But from the results of the examination, 40 per cent of participants experiencing the symptoms of a mild decrease in brain function or the Neuro Cognitive impairment (NCI). This disorder is one of the risk factors to experience senility in the age which is easier than the average age in healthy people.

When compared with the size of his waist circumference, the risk is greater in the NCI observed potbellied participants. The participants were diagnosed with NCI have waistlines averages 99 cm, while having no problems with the brain average only 88 cm.

In addition to dealing with waistlines, senile dementia risk in this study also relates to the risk of diabetes. Participants who experience symptoms of senile dementia on average 5 times more prone to having problems with blood sugar or have diabetes.