Monday, February 13, 2012

Healthy Skinned men are preferred than the Handsome

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In love and sex, healthy skin can be an important factor that determines the success of the hook the mate. Men who have healthy skin color are considered more attractive by women versus men handsome-faced.

Previous research has shown that women are more attracted to the male heterosexual-faced males, namely man with prominent cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and the face of a relatively long, with jaw line is clear, especially when the woman is in a period of exuberance.

Researchers suspect the woman instinctively choose men with masculine characteristics because of these traits is a sign of good health, which can be passed on to his children.

But now, Ian Stephen, psychologist at the University of Nottingham found that the yellowish color like gold on the skin is also a natural sign of good health and tend to get people interested.

To find out, Stephen and his colleagues took photos of 34 whites and face 41 black people. They then assess the hue of the face and use a computer program to assess the masculinity of the face.

"We're using this technique mathematically with the computer to compare the shape of the face of the man on the same sample with the face of a woman from the same population," said Stephen as reported by LiveScience, Monday (13/2/2012).

The researchers showed photos to 32 white women and 30 black woman, then asks the man assess how menarikkah them. In the report peneltiian which contained the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, the researchers found that the face of masculinity not as important as the hue of skin for women, both in the two ethnic groups.

The researchers did not find that the masculine faces can influence attractiveness, but quite the hue or complexion is more affecting traction. However, although the Golden hue of skin looks are very important to women, such assessment is more striking in the ethnic groups themselves.

Women don't care much about the hue of the skin in men from other ethnicities. The researchers found that the woman is not able to detect the difference in hue to the relatively smooth skin in men from other ethnicities.

"Shades of gold on the skin could be derived from carotenoid pigments from fruits and vegetables in the diet. Pigment plant is expected can improve health and fertility. Our research shows that being healthy can be the best way for a man to make it look interesting. More healthy looking skin hue by eating more fruits and vegetables, "said Stephen.