Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 foods that Sound healthy, but in fact did not

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Processed food products turned out a lot which is not healthy. Call it fast food, a variety of processed meat and preservatives or sweeteners in the packaging products. But only with frills ' fat-free ' or ' salubrious ', many people are interested and believe that foods that are labeled is healthy.

"Salads, muffins, fat free food does sound healthy. But in fact, these foods is not always good for the body, "said Katherine Brooking, expert on nutrition and diet.

Brooking revealed healthy sounding foods, but it is not, as reported by FoxNews, Monday (6/2/2012):

1. Processed Salad
Processed tuna, Salad of chicken and shrimp are often loaded with fat and contain a lot of calories due to high mayonaise. Tuna Sandwich containing 700 calories and 40 grams of fat. Choose a salad made with low-fat mayonais porsinya and make sure it does not exceed the size of a deck of cards.

2. wheat bread Mix
Whole wheat bread does sound healthy, but sometimes there aren't many whole grain breads which are not made from grain that is healthy for the heart. Whole wheat bread that dare to list the label containing the ' seeds ' and ' grain ', but it is made with the seeds of processed foods, so it does not contain nutrients from wheat.

Read nutrition labels carefully. If the flour in the list of ingredients is a refined flour (refined), then it's not 100 percent whole wheat bread.

3. low-fat peanut butter
Low fat peanut butter is not always a healthy version of a regular peanut butter. Regular peanut butter and low-fat peanut butter contain the same amount of calories, but the low-fat peanut butter contain more sugar.

Regular peanut butter is a great source of natural unsaturated fats are good. Look for natural peanut butter with a list of materials that contain no additional oil.

4. energy drinks
Many energy drinks contain corn syrup rich in fructose, plus sugar, saturated fat and some blood vessels arteries. Some energy drinks containing at least 350 more calories than the portion so most people.

5. the Muffin
Mostly muffins made with healthy ingredients, but the problem is porsinya. Some of the muffins sold in coffee shops and restaurants, many of which are provided with a portion with more than 350 calories.

Muffin in one of the popular bakery can containing 600 mg sodium, about one third of the maximum limit of sodium per day. Healthy meals if consumed excessively can be unhealthy. Eat a half-portion muffin and save the rest for the afternoon.

6. fruit shakes
Fruit shakes is a juice that is mixed with yogurt or other chart like low fat milk. A large portion were given extra fruit shakes sugar, ice cream, and can add to the kalorinya to be very high.

Remember to always calculate the calories that will be taken when considering what has been consumed in a day.

7. Turkey Packaging
Turkey is a source of protein without the fat and good choice for lunch or dinner. Unfortunately, slices Turkey packs loaded with sodium. 2 ounces Turkey packaging containing almost a third of the maximum daily intake of sodium.

Be sure to buy the Turkey packaging low-sodium or choose fresh turkeys. Try to consume the Turkey packaging containing less than 350 milligrams of sodium per 2 ounces.

8. Food Labeled ' Fat-free '
Fat-free does not mean calorie-free. Just because it does not contain fat, it's not that good for health. There are many foods that are healthy and free of fat, like fruits and vegetables. Calories, sodium, fiber, vitamins and minerals is another nutrient that should be considered in addition to fat.

9. baked potato from the restaurant
Whole baked potato was very salubrious. Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Medium-sized baked potato contains about 160 calories. But if you eat out, don't assume that the baked potato is healthy choices.

Many restaurants provide baked potato which contains a lot of butter, cream cheese, meat, and other materials that can add up to about 600 kalorinya calories and 8 grams of fat.

10. sports drink
Sports drinks contain electrolytes is important indeed, such as potassium and sodium, which is necessary in a sport that intense or endurance training. However, the drink is not required on the activity light.

Most sports drinks contain 125 calories more per 20 ounces. For daily activities, choose white water or calorie-free beverages to avoid dehydration.