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Having children is the dream of all couples. Some people experience the unfortunate fate of so it is very hard to get lineage, whereas the other is endowed with high fertility.
It is believed, environmental factors, genetic, dietary and lifestyle are the various factors that can affect your fertility. Among the many factors, so foods and lifestyle factors that can still be modified and controlled.
A man in India named Ramjit Raghav crowned oldest dad recently for being a father at the age of 94 years. In fact, he claims to still be able to make love to his wife aged 59 years three times overnight.
Raghav recounted that he was a wrestler and take up a lot of food rich in fat until recently. Each day, drink the 3.5 liter milk Raghav and ate almost half a kilogram of almond butter and ghee, called nodes.
In Ayurvedic medicine in India for centuries, ghee has been used to improve the quality and quantity of semen. Unfortunately, there is no real scientific evidence to support this idea. As reported by Menshealth.com, Sunday (12/2/2012), Ramjit Raghav expose confidential kesuburannya.
1. diet and exercise
Food and exercise is clearly the most important and it is very easy to increase fertility. Men's health expert, Larry Lipshultz, m.d., said that there seemed to be a method done Raghav. Seen by his posture, slim seems to have body fat Raghav.
"Fatty tissue interferes with the production of testosterone and sperm production slows down. If you eat a lot of fat Raghav compared to most people, it is actually similar to a diet low in carbohydrates, "explains Lipshultz. J.
According to a study from the University of Connecticut and Duke University, it's not unusual if calories from fat in the diet low in carbohydrates to be 70%. This will trigger a percentage of weight loss and lower the risk of heart disease.
2. avoid hot bath
Spend too much time in hot water will damage the sperm. Sperm is produced in the testicles because it allows the temperatures are colder than the temperature of the other body parts.
Great heat can disrupt the production of sperm and pools of hot water can be very problematic because it directly touches the testicle. Soaking in hot water for one to five hours per week have been shown to lower sperm count. Fortunately, the decline was not permanent.
3. avoid eating soy
Some people claim that soy is healthy food. But soybeans turned out is suspect cause infertility in men. A 2008 study by Harvard shows a serious relationship between intake of soy and a decrease in the number of sperm.
Each time ejaculation, sperm count per milliliter of people who consume one half serving of soy per day 32% less compared to people who do not consume soy. Moreover, the soybean is known can also cause erectile dysfunction.