Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lung Cancer Is Often Mistaken For Normal Back Pain

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Early detection of lung cancer is hard to do, because it is often not accompanied by symptoms. Even when it appears, it is often mistaken for symptoms of other diseases including diseases that seem to have nothing to do with the lungs and back pain.

"The symptoms of lung cancer can be a pain if the location of kankernya on the edge of the lung tissue," says Prof Dr H Wiwien Wiyono, SpP (K), FCCP, Chairman of the meeting of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine (PIPKRA) is the 10th in a press conference at Hotel Borobudur, Friday (10/2/2012).

Described by Prof. Wiwien, lung cancer characterized by back pain usually difficult detected. In addition because of back pain only for regular examination results, sometimes x-rays are also not able to detect the existence of a network of cancer.

Lung cancer characterized by back pain usually sits at the edges, or even hidden in the back of the heart. On x-rays, the shadow formed be subtle by the shadow of the heart and other organs that cover so that the kankernya is hard to detect.

"Sometimes it's just dikerok because for entry to wind. But if his back pain does not go away even though they treated suspected sufferer and have a high risk for cancer, then the affected should be examined further because of the likely nyerinya because of cancer, "explains Prof. Wiwien.

Absence of symptoms in early stage lung cancer is caused due to almost no sense nerve pain in the lungs. So when there is a tumour, either benign or malignant and thus are not always accompanied by soreness in that section unless it has already begun to dilate.

Symptoms accompanying lung cancer generally appears when its size has already begun to dilate, for example in the top 3 cm. If the location kankernya in the central or the center channel of the breath, the symptoms are coughing whereas if at the edge of the back or chest pain symptoms.

When it appeared the symptoms, lung cancer is in fact already started badly. Lung cancer can be cured if it can still be lifted, whereas if it was too severe then will be directed to palliative therapy is given the chance of lung cancer healing the lowest compared to other types of cancer.